Add a playful touch to your décor or gift ideas with our Cute Crocheted Rose Bouquet. This charming bouquet features handcrafted roses adorned with tiny, adorable animals, lovingly wrapped in paper and tied with a bow at the base. The delightful combination of flowers and animals makes this bouquet a perfect gift or decoration. Made from wool, it offers a durable, whimsical alternative to real flowers, adding personality to your space.
Key Features
- Material: Crafted from wool, ensuring the flowers and animals retain their shape and color over time.
- Design: A playful blend of crocheted roses and small animals, adding character and charm.
- Packaging: Wrapped in decorative paper and tied with a bow for a thoughtful and stylish presentation.
- Functionality: Perfect as a cute decorative piece or a fun gift idea for special occasions.
Package Includes
- 01 Cute Crocheted Rose Bouquet with Small Animals